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Architecture : Scenarios

There are currently five combinations of User, Client, Server and Host used for testing the architectural connectivity. These use-case scenarios are:
  1. single
  2. twogame
  3. twouser
  4. userhost
  5. clientserver

Scenario : single

  (g1)U  ---  C  ---  S  ---  H(g1)

U  = WilliamGladstone
H  = Harry.Com
C  = localhost:22100
S  = localhost:22200 / localhost:22300

g1 = localhost:22200 ^ Harry.Com ^ testgame1

Scenario : twogame

(g1g2)U  ---  C  ---  S  ---  H(g1g2)

U  = WilliamGladstone
H  = Harry.Com
C  = localhost:22100
S  = localhost:22200 / localhost:22300

g1 = localhost:22200 ^ Harry.Com ^ testgame1
g2 = localhost:22200 ^ Harry.Com ^ testgame2

Scenario : twouser

            C  ---  S  ---  H(g1)

U1 = WilliamGladstone
U2 = BenjaminDisraeli

H  = Harry.Com
C  = localhost:22100
S  = localhost:22200 / localhost:22300

g1 = localhost:22200 ^ Harry.Com ^ testgame1

Scenario : userhost

(g1g2)U1                           H1(g1)
         \                       /
           \                   /
  (g3)U2 -   \               /   - H2(g2)
           \   \           /   /
             - - C  ---  S - -
           /   /           \   \
  (g4)U3 -   /               \   - H3(g3)
           /                   \
         /                       \
  (g5)U4                           H4(g4g5)

U1 = WilliamGladstone
U2 = BenjaminDisraeli
U3 = EdmundBlackadder
U4 = JohnDee

H1 = Harry.Com
H2 = Tom.Com
H3 = Richard.Com
H4 = Sally.Com

C  = localhost:22100
S  = localhost:22200 / localhost:22300

g1 = localhost:22200 ^ Harry.Com ^ testgame1
g1 = localhost:22200 ^ Tom.Com ^ testgame2
g1 = localhost:22200 ^ Richard.Com ^ testgame3
g1 = localhost:22200 ^ Sally.Com ^ testgame4
g1 = localhost:22200 ^ Sally.Com ^ testgame5

Scenario : clientserver

(g1g2)U1  ---  C1  ---  S1  --- H1(g1)
                 \     /
                   \ /
                   / \
                 /     \
(g1g2)U2  ---  C2  ---  S2  --- H2(g2)

U1 = WilliamGladstone
U2 = BenjaminDisraeli

H1 = Harry.Com
H2 = Tom.Com

C1 = localhost:22101
C2 = localhost:22102

S1 = localhost:22201 / localhost:22301
S2 = localhost:22202 / localhost:22302

g1 = localhost:22201 ^ Harry.Com ^ testgame1
g2 = localhost:22202 ^ Tom.Com ^ testgame2
